The 21st Century Shift

“We don’t have a choice on whether we
DO social media, the question is how well we DO it.” This is a profound quote
by author Erik Qualman cited in the video Social Media Revolution 2011. I
remember when there was a time when friends would spend hours on the phone with
one another, when family members who were oceans apart rarely had contact, or
when relationships began in person with the first “Hi.” Today however, the
shift of technology and more specifically, the increased use of social media
has changed the lifestyle of our global population. Facebook is one of the
leading social media websites, connecting friends, family and creating new (and
also breaking) relationships.
This “social media revolution” has
also greatly affected education and how students learn. Kindergarteners are now
using iPads in the classroom and there is now a shift in individuals using
eReaders instead of physical books. Simple paper and pencil and writing on the
chalkboard has become somewhat obsolete; instead creating a lively and
technologically-integrated classroom for our learners is the new norm. From my
experience, students today need to be stimulated during lessons in order to
maintain their focus, especially for young learners. We can’t ignore this
shift. We can’t ignore social media. Instead, let us see how we can use it to
our advantage to effectively teach our learners.